Visegrad cooperation as seen by citizen of Visegrad countries
„So called the „Visegrad Group” originates in the year 1991. Representatives of Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland intended to create an organization representing and allowing more intensive relations among these countries connected particularly by regional, historical and cultural similarities as well as similar inherited problems of the so called former Socialist countries. There were, however, many as important issues dividing the countries. A split of one particular country represents a good example of these. Creation of the Czech and Slovak Republics in 1993 also deeply influenced the name of the “club” – the Visegrad Four,“ uvádí první odstavec textu Lenky Václavíkové Helšusové, který vyšel v publikaci Visegrad Citizen on the Doorstep of European Union, Institute for Public Affairs (editovala Gyarfášová, O. Bratislava, 2003, s. 9-18, ISBN 80-88935-58-X).
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